About Us
UMAY OTOMOTIV eas established as OTO INCI SAN. TİC. in 1975 by MURAT AKIN . It was an atelier of automobile hood produtcs at that time.
It started serioul production in 1976. Our company manufactures up to 600 tons of hydraulic presses of various powers.
How did we become UMAY OTOMOTİV?
With our mold making, auto spare parts, advanced robot automation and modern paint shop, it is our first goal to always provide the best service and quality. Our targets are developing our technology, providing customer satisfaction in domestic and global market, ensuring quality production and delivering on time.

Quality Shapes the Future ..
Umay Otomotiv
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Our Sensitivity ..

Our Mission
Bringing together solidity, reliability, aesthetic and quality, our mission is delivering the products on time without making concession in our service principles.

Our Vision
Bringing together solidity, reliability, aesthetic and quality, our mission is delivering the products on time without making concession in our service principles.

Our Quality Policy
To serv best quality to our customers and in the shortest period of time to provi de ther service. Our aim is, service to minimize the faults, maximize to our customer satisfaction.
Objectives and Targets
In 1976 due to an increase in demand by expanding our machinery and our staff has started the serial production. Progress in the manufacture of this type of expanded client network for all Turkey emitting company in 1997 UMAY OTOMOTIV TEKSTIL SAN. TIC. LTD. STI. As with the new identity, new auto shop in the production of institutionalization signature.